Ensure Your Home Is Seismic Safe In Central India With Earthquake Resistant TMT Bars

When you are building a home, you aim for longevity – all homeowners we have interacted with want to pass their home on to their children and may be even further. But apart from all the feelings the word ‘home’ is associated with; it is also a big financial asset – for most of us, it is where a considerable chunk of our savings is tied up. 

One way to make sure your home stands the test of time and nature is to make it seismic safe. You can do this by combining construction best practices with high-quality construction material such as TMT bars.

What is a TMT steel bar?

TMT or Thermo-Mechanically Treated bars are manufactured using German Thermex technology. The process involves a patented Quenching and Self-Tempering process that uses a two-tier cooling process while manufacturing steel bars.

At 24K Sariya we manufacture special earthquake resistant TMT bars for RCC construction. The Thermex manufacturing process gives the outer core of the steel bar extra strength while allowing the inner core to remain more flexible.

What makes a TMT bar earthquake resistant, and how does it help during a seismic event?

The main reason for TMT bar’s enhanced seismic-resistant (Bhookamp Rodhi) property is the flexibility its manufacturing process imparts to the steel bar. The inner core is ductile enough to bend and take seismic stress without snapping and breaking. This ensures that the structure remains standing, preventing loss of life and materials.

Along with ductility, TMT bars are also corrosion-resistant. This property can also play a role during a seismic event. Corrosion eats into the steel and loosens the bonds between the concrete and the sariya, making the entire structure weak.  In the event of an earthquake, these structures are the first to collapse. High corrosion resistance of TMT bars ensures that the cement and steel stay strong together even under high stress.


In an earthquake, the most damage to life and materials is done when a building collapses. Parts of Central India fall under Seismic zone III. The landscape, soil type, and geography of the region makes it critical for homeowners to invest in Earthquake resistant or bhookamp rodhi TMT bars to ensure safety.

If you want to make sure your family and your home stays safe, then do get in touch with our representative at 24K Sariya. We produce high-grade TMT bars with the patented German thermex technology and offer four grades of earthquake-resistant (bhookamp rodhi) steel bars for RCC constructions.

Browse our website to know more about our manufacturing process and get in touch with our dealers.